- 7 person data set for terrorists
- http://poopreport.com/
- http://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-kimono-labs-can-turn-any-website-into-an-api/
- https://www.kimonolabs.com
- FODA - Fear of Deciding Alone
- Microsoft Ghetto App -> http://www.cnet.com/news/the-joy-of-microsofts-avoid-ghetto-gps-patent/
- Guide to Paris, http://imaginarymuseum.org/LPG/debordpsychogeo.jpg
- Center of gravity, starbucks, https://rhizome.org/editorial/2009/jan/20/starbucks-center-of-gravity-2005-cory-arcangel/
- http://lifehacker.com/find-free-wi-fi-passwords-for-local-spots-on-foursquare-509034398
- Clarify API > image tagging, http://clarify.io/
Image to text from u.toronto > http://deeplearning.cs.toronto.edu/i2t
Extensions take a system and build on to it.
- Sara Hendren > assistive technology (all tech is assistive), old person body suit
accessibleicon.org (revamping handicap symbol)
- https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/resources.mobento.com/thumb/696.jpg
Big barrier to my name > how can i Make it easier? Like parapalegic.
- Embedding code (hankie code) only people you want to see this know about it.
- Hobo codes - nobody used them
SCI-HUB is awesome, http://sci-hub.io/, they are breaking walls behind academic journals
YouTube: The Internet’s Own Boy, https://www.recapthelaw.org/ Aaron Schwartz -
ArtZilla, replaced things in the browser (kind of like wearing colored classes) like blacking out biber’s name
- Facebook demetricator, http://bengrosser.com/projects/facebook-demetricator/ <- removing numbers does something!
- Putting line fown for autistic to focus interaction, http://wendyjacob.net/wp-content/gallery/tape/explorers-club_1.png
- Screambody - bullshit
- Off the shelf eye-tracking, http://www.tobii.com/ (back and forth between DIY democratized technology and consumer facing technology)
====== Browser Extensions ======
AWESOME: https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/omnibox