For my pComp and ICM final I’m programming a door knob that generates of series of real-time interactions when you turn it. Ideally, it’s going to be fixed to your maindoor and the controls of its interaction are in a browser based dashboard.
The project is a prototype of multiple interactions that people would find positively useful when interacting with a doorknob (yes, positively). Doorknobs - there are millions of them, and we use them, why can’t we make them do more than just open a door. Phones can do more than make calls, and they’re kind of saturated and so for my project I decided to limit phone use as enablers of another interaction.
Doorknobs, which in reality act like portal activators and quite literally enable a spatial transformation by bringing about a change in environment which envoke a new feeling (comfort, warmth if you’re entering home. Relief that you’re not late, if you’re not late for Tom’s class).
Some use cases I will be working on:
Turning on the lights in the room (adjusting intensity with a browser based slider)
Sending an SMS reminder to yourself or loved one
Activating the chrome or on a Mac with the URL pointing to a Youtube playlist (or any link set from browser)
Turning on the kettle (turning it off/on from the broswer)
Here’s one of the two doorknobs I’m using,
I have to stick a sensor in it
I take apart the pot and fine file the knob according to measurements from vernier calliper
I saw off the doorknobs entrails and adjust the spring in the turn mechanism and fix the pot in
Doorknob sensor in action - yes I have hairy arms
Program1 - SMS function
I will be elaborating more on my programming process in subsequent posts.